Abstract Portal Sign In
Thank you for your interest in presenting at the ASPiH 2025 conference. The contribution of presenters is critical and we value your input greatly.
How to use the Abstract Portal:
- Click the 'Contact Information' tab. Throughout the abstract submission process, communication will be limited to a single designated contact. This individual will be presumed to be the presenting author and will receive all correspondence. If necessary, the contact can be updated later in the process. Please ensure that you designate this person as the presenting author when prompted during submission.
- After providing contact details the 'Abstract Submission' tab will appear. This is where you submit your abstract.
- IMPORTANT: An abstract status will show as 'draft' until you submit your final content. If you do not submit before the closing date, your abstract will remain as a draft and will not be considered.
- Once submitted, you cannot make changes to the abstract (there will be the option to withdraw your submission after outcomes have been communicated; any edits required will be communicated at this time, if applicable).
- You can log back into the abstract portal to make additional abstract submissions prior to the closing date
Key information
Final date for submissions: Midnight (BST) 27 April 2025 - No extensions will be given
Outcomes communicated: Week commencing Monday 28 July 2025
Abstract title word limit: 75
Abstract content word limit: 400 (excluding title and references). Abstracts exceeding the word limit, will be returned and must be edited before resubmission.
Before starting your submission, we strongly encourage you to download and carefully read through the complete abstract submission guidelines HERE.
Once you are ready to submit your abstract, scroll to the bottom of this page and click 'Create New Account'
Please create new account details by clicking the button below. You should do this even if you have submitted for previous events.
(If you are advised that 'A user with the given account email address already exists' you may have previously submitted an abstract for an event managed by Fitwise Management Ltd. Please enter your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password please click here)
ASPiH Events Teams
Fitwise Management Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1506 292 042
Email: events@aspih.org.uk